How To Reach Kasauli
Kasauli is located 11 Km’s within from NH 21 effectively near to significant Railways Place , Airport terminal . We have described below how to achieve Kasauli from Delhi, Chandigarh and Kalka which are primary locations to achieve here. We also have included Shimla because many tourists who want to check out Shimla also wish to check out Kasauli.
Chandigarh to Kasauli.
Distance between Chandigarh to Kasauli is 80 Kms by street and it usually requires 2.5 time to achieve Kasauli. Closest Airport terminal for Kasauli is also located at Chandigarh. Chandigarh Airport terminal is a significant household airport of Indian and flight tickets are consistently available from Delhi and other significant places. Frequent taxis on lease foundation are available from Chandigarh to Kasauli and Kasauli to Chandigarh.
Kalka to Kasauli
Kalka is the closest wide evaluate railways station for Kasauli. Range between Kalka to Kasauli is 55 Kms and it requires 1.5Mile Rock at Kasauli time to achieve Kasauli from Kalka Terminus. However a Filter Gauge Train station of the Culture Raliway range between Kalka-to-Shimla is located at Dharampur which is 11 Kms away from Kasauli. Travelers cannot achieve straight from Kalka to Kasauli by practice as Kasauli do not have any wide evaluate or narrow evaluate Train station within its regional vicinity.
Kasauli can be achieved from kalka by two street tracks, via Dharampur and other one via Jungashu. Kasauli via Jungashu is 20 Km and it will take highest possible of 40 moments to achieve Kasauli from Kalka by this path. Second path is a little more time i.e. via Dharampur and it requires 1.5 time to achieve to Kasauli, distance of this path is 55 Kms.
Delhi to Kasauli
Distance between Delhi to Kasauli is 305 kms by street. Travelers can go Kasauli from Delhi by Road , by air or by practice as well . Closest Airport terminal is at Chandigarh and nearest Railways Place is at Kalka. Travelers can get immediate teaches until Kalka and they can seek the services of a cab from Kalka to Kasauli. On the other hand they can journey by street to Kasauli by well managed 4 road Nationwide Road street until Kalka, after that they can get a weblink street to Kasauli by Jangashu. It requires 5 to 6 time to achieve Kasauli from Delhi.
Shimla to Kasauli
Kasauli can be achieved from Shimla by Toy Train or by Road. Range between Shimla to Kasauli is 70 Kms by street. It requires highest possible of two time to achieve Kasauli from Shimla. Closest Railways station on the Route is at Dharampur which is 11 Km’s from Kasauli. Travelers can journey by toy practice until Dharampur and from Dharampur they can take a bus or taxies for kasauli which are quickly available. The Second way could be traveling by street from Shimla to Kasauli. Road Transportation is available for the location.
How can we reach Kasauli
Kasauli GUIDE
By Train
By Air
By Road
Solan and Kasauli are well linked by street vehicles, trainers and cabs are quickly available from Chandigarh and Delhi.