Practical Information

Fine walks in or around the Ground and Refreshing weather

Practical Information

Khajjiar is a nature lovers’ heaven and a visible treat. Located at a size of 6400 ft. it is fitted by the lavish natural maple and deodar jungles, and surrounded by the hills. The hub of Khajjiar is a saucer-formed field calculating a distance and a half in length and a distance in depth with a pond in its center. overlooking the field are vacationer bungalows, relaxing houses, resorts, and shops. The HPTDC hotel ‘Devdar’ has this prime location. You can book in advance from the HP travel and leisure office in Delhi or any other town. The P.W.D. an the woodlands relaxation house are also located around here. The private resorts are a little bit away from the field.

Best Year / Best a chance to check out Khajjiar
Khajjiar Weather

The climate in Khajjar, just like the relaxation of India, can be separated into three periods – winter season months, summertime, and monsoons. Visitors head to the position mainly in the several weeks of Feb to Apr, when climate the conditions are the most enjoyable. During wintertime season months, snow is common in the town, so you will locate vacationers from the flatlands, coming here to observe snow. In the following lines, we will provide more information on the elements and climate of Khajjar.

Khajjiar GUIDE


Summer season in Khajjiar continues from the 30 days of Goal to June. During these several weeks, the climate in the town is quite enjoyable. Conditions from around 10°C at night (minimum) to 39°C during the day (maximum). Cotton outfits and mild wool outfits are recommended during this year. Make sure to bring your sunblock too. Summers in the town of Khajjiar start during the 30 days of Goal and increase through the several weeks of Apr, May, and June. The general climate during now is very enjoyable and the temperature varies in Khajjiar will reach the highest possible of thirty-nine levels (39 °C) during now.

The lowest heat range that the region of Khajjiar will experience will be around ten levels (10 °C). This is an ideal chance to check out the town of Khajjiar, as the elements will be enjoyable. You should bring along mild woolen clothing now.


The winter season period of time in Khajjar starts from Oct and continues until the 30 days of Feb. The climate during now is very severe in many feelings in Khajjar. At times, the heat range may drop below the cold factor, leading to large snow. Visitors are recommended to travel this position, equipped with large woolens during wintesr.Winters in Khajjiar begin from the 30 days of Oct and continue through the several weeks of Nov, Dec, Jan and Feb. Temperatures during winter season will drop below cold factor, varying around less ten levels (-10 °C).


Monsoon season in Khajjar starts in June and continues until Sept 30 days. The position gets yearly rain drop of about 160 cm. Weather during these days is enjoyable. Lush natural hills and water sources make Khajjar an even more beautiful position to see. The whole area becomes full of flexible colors of flowers and enchants travelers. The town of Khajjiar encounters monsoon through the several weeks of June, Aug and Sept. The sources are recharged by continuous rain drop during now, and the elements during now is also very welcoming. This is also a fun a chance to check out the town of Khajjiar.

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