Governor inaugurates all India BSNL volleyball tournament

Governor V.S. Kokje inaugurated the five day long 5th All India BSNL Volleyball Tournament here today. He stressed upon holding of such events as they go a long way in promoting the feelings of brotherhood and fraternity.

The Governor stressed for organizing such events frequently as this also helps in giving exposure to the budding talents. He exhorted the employees to participate in these games with enthusiasm.

Chief General Manager, BSNL Rajender Singh welcomed the Governor and also detailed about the events being organized in the tournament and added that BSNL was giving employment to sportsmen in the State on priority and about 15 sportsmen have been given employment during last three – four years.

Governor was honoured with shawl and Himachali cap on the occasion.
The tournament was being organized from 26th to 30th September, 2005 and about 21 teams from various States are participating in it.
Earlier, the participating teams held an impressive march past. Children of local schools also presented a cultural programme on the occasion.

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