Kalatop Khajjiar Sanctuary in Chamba

Tne sanctuary is located in Chamba. It is about 6kms from Dalhousie and 86kms from Pathankot. This sanctuary is rich in the species of different mammals like Goral, Serow, Langur, Common, Himalyan yellow throated Marten, Barking Deer, Squirrel(Common Giant Flying), Jackal, Leopard.

Blackbird (Common Name), Turdus merula (Scientific Name) are birds which are found in this sanctuary. Visitors can found Black bear also which can be encountered often in the area.

The curious floating island in a small water body amidst an enchating meadow at khajjiar has become legendary scenery. Dense Deodar and Fir forests are places of solitude very close to Dalhousie town. To experience the bliss of solitude, stay at the Kalatop Forest Rest House.
Himachal Sanctuary

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