Khajjiar and Chandigarh Location
Khajjiar is in the Indian condition of Himachal_Pradesh at the longitude of 76.1 and permission of 32.5. Chandigarh is in the Indian condition of Haryana at the longitude of 76.8 and permission of 30.8.
Khajjiar To Chandigarh Distance
Distance between Khajjiar and Chandigarh is 211 KM (kilometers) and 119.47 metres. Khajjiar is 131.2 miles away from Chandigarh.
Khajjiar route from Chandigarh
Khajjiar is situated nearly northern part to Chandigarh. Khajjiar To Chandigarh street map route from search engines will be incorporated.
Time distinction between Khajjiar and Chandigarh
Time distinction between Khajjiar and Chandigarh is 0.0481550666667 decimal time (0 : 2 : 53.35824). Khajjiar worldwide time is 5.0705116 UTC and Chandigarh worldwide time is 5.11866666667 UTC. Khajjiar is behind Chandigarh 0 time and 2 Moments and 53.35824 a few moments.
Travel range from Khajjiar
Traveling range are available for the following places Khajjiar to Pathankot distance.
Khajjiar To Chandigarh Journey Time
Travel time from Khajjiar To Chandigarh will take 5 time and 16.68 minutes if the automobile keep a normal rate of 60 distance hourly. Journey time by stroll may take around 26.4 time if you consistently stroll at the rate of 6KM.
Khajjiar to Chandigarh direction
The following Khajjiar to Chandigarh route map coming from search engines. Google range may differ from our crow fly range.
Starting City: Place City:
Distance Between
Source: Khajjiar, Himachal Pradesh 176314, India
Destination: Chandigarh, India
Driving Distance
Distance (km): 325 Km.
Distance (mile): 201 Miles.
Khajjiar Chandigarh information Note:
All information about Khajjiar and Chandigarh are estimated information. It is crow goes range so the above travel information may be differ from engine street range.
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