Single window clears 26 new industrial units

The number of industrial units cleared by the State Level Single Window Clearance and Monitoring Authority has reached 5,834 and investment touched Rs. 14,317 crores with possible employment to 2,00,822 persons as the Authority cleared 26 new industrial units having investment of Rs. 215 crore and employment potential of 2,308 persons in its 16th meeting held here under the Chairmanship of Virbhadra Singh Chief Minister today. The new entrants included Cadbury India Ltd. Johnson and Johnson and Gillette India Ltd. Like many international chain of industries.

Chief Minister said that Himachal Pradesh had emerged a favourite destination for the entrepreneurs from the world over and in every successive meeting of the Authority more prominent business houses were showing keen interest in setting up their units in the industrial friendly environment of the State where best of the infrastructure was available besides good law and order, governance political stability and attractive package of incentives. He said that the industrial infrastructure available in the State was incomparable to the rest of the country, which was added facility to attract vast number of entrepreneurs.

Virbhadra Singh said that the State had the potential to attract additional investment of Rs. 5,000 crore in the information technology sector by year 2010 since the State offered best climatic condition for the IT and BT industries. He said that the State was progressing ahead in setting up of IT and BT parks in the State for which suitable locations were being identified so that best infrastructural facilities could be created for the technologies.

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