Three injured and Two Medical Officials Killed in an accident

The Practice Management Center (PMC) provides free assistance to members covering the full spectrum of business issues associated with running and working in a medical practice.

Two medical officials were killed and three injured in an accident near Hal village, about 20 km from Kaza, late last evening. The victims were posted in Lahaul and Spiti district.

The Chief Medical Officer of Lahaul and Spiti district, Dr Chhering told that a government Gypsy (HP-42-0163) that was on its way from Manali to Kazain which five doctors were travelling met with an accident.

Those who died in the accident were identified as Dr Rajinder Mehta, in charge of the RNTCP (Tuberculosis), Shimla and Mr. Padma Dorje, a para-medical officer posted at Kaza Hospital, said the CMO.

The injured were identified as Dr. Suresh, District Tuberculosis Officer of Lahaul and Spiti, Dr Devinder Kumar, District Tuberculosis Officer, Chamba, and Mr Nabang Lote, a Kaza resident.

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